When did you start writing/producing music - and what or who were your early passions and influences?
I started trying to write my own stuff when I first started playing music, I grew up with lots of music. But it was hearing AC/DC at 11 years of age that made me want to do rock n' roll. Lots of hard rock/metal and classic rock, then heard X and the Gun Club and the other 'punk' or hardcore or whatever they call it now. I started going to all ages shows at 15 or 16 and realized I could do rock n' roll.
I won't go in to the first two bands, the first one only played one show. The second one was described as Flipper meets Cinderella. For Earth it was a lot of metal, Velvet Underground, and King Crimson. Oh and I got my first guitar right before my 16th birthday.
What do you personally consider to be the incisive moments in your artistic work and/or career?
That one is more for other people to decide I guess. For me, I guess it was coming up with my one good idea (repetition of a riff) and realising its many permutations. Getting on and off drugs, the albums Hex and the current ones, though I also like Bees as well, I guess they are all important moments.
What are currently your main compositional- and production-challenges?
Finding good musicians without kids who are down to tour as much as I want to tour, health issues, expenses. Compositionally nothing really.
What do you usually start with when working on a new piece?
A riff or chord.
How strictly do you separate improvising and composing?
Don't separate them, mostly do the first one.
How do you see the relationship between sound, space and composition?
I mostly focus on the sound part. Since I am playing live in many different and different kinds of venues, the space thing doesn't really come in to it for me. I guess that's more of a residency or art world concern.